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Plate Pasteurization System

Pasteurization is the process of heating particles of a product to kill pathogens. The thermal process system used depends on the properties of the product and the results to be achieved. Depending on your product and desired shelf life, you can choose either a dairy or beverage pasteurizer. ✅The ability to adjust the temperature ✅Capacity adjustment ✅Accurate monitoring and control The process of the Behsaz pasteurizer device in the capital Tank balance Product delivery pumps Pasteurizer plate Hot water circuit holding The milk received from the raw milk unit first enters the balance tank. The control of the level of hot milk inside the balance tank can be controlled both mechanically (with the help of a float) and by using pneumatic valves and relevant instruments. Pasteurizer plate as the most important part of the device consists of 3 parts, heater, regeneration and cooler. Raw milk first enters the pasteurizer at a temperature of 4°C from the Regeneration section, and while recovering the heat of the pasteurized milk, it is heated to a temperature of 60°C. Then, at this temperature, the milk enters the heater section and heats up to a temperature of 72-75°C while exchanging heat with hot water. The heated milk then passes through the holder to provide a residence time of 16-20 seconds to kill the microorganisms, according to the Pasteur standard, such milk is now free of undesirable microorganisms. The pasteurized milk re-enters the thermal recovery section and cools down to about 14°C while preheating its inlet milk. In the last part, by passing through the cooler part and rejecting heat to the flow of ice water (cold water ~1°C), the milk is cooled to 4°C.